68 customizable lessons, aligned with National Standards, exams and more.
Read NGPF's school-by-school analysis of financial education in America today
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Graduates of high schools with guaranteed financial education...
...than their peers without guaranteed financial education, saving an average of $1,300 in high-interest private debt per student.1
Graduates of high schools with guaranteed financial education are less likely to fall prey to high-cost predatory loans (such as payday loans) than their peers without guaranteed financial education.2
High school students and adults overwhelmingly rank personal finance as the most useful high school course.
of recent high school grads said they wished their schools placed more emphasis on personal finance, according to a 2019 Experian Consumer Finance Survey.3
of adults surveyed in April 2022 said they wanted all schools to require either a semester- or year-long personal finance course.4
NGPF has a step-by-step plan, proven in thousands of high schools, to help you expand financial education access in your community.
Free curriculum and free teacher PD have significantly reduced costs. Meanwhile, NGPF estimates the discounted value of a personal finance course at $60,000 per student in additional lifetime wealth, which results in a $36-to-$1 Return-On-Investment (ROI). Go behind the numbers here.
You've seen why every student should take a personal finance course before graduation, and you're ready to expand access in your school or district.
1 Stoddard, C. and Urban, C. (2018). The Effects of K-12 Financial Education Mandates on Student Postsecondary Education Outcomes.
2 Harvey, M. (2019) Impact of Financial Education Mandates on Younger Consumers’ Use of Alternative Financial Services. The Journal of Consumer Affairs.
3 Experian News & Research, 2019. Survey: Generation Z Keen on Learning About Personal Finance and Credit.
4 National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE), 2022. Poll: Most Adults Support Financial Education Mandates.
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