Apr 24, 2018

In The Trenches: Value of Financial Education

Every Tuesday I share some great examples of the power of financial education to improve student lives. Thank you to the teachers who contributed these examples on our FinLit Fanatics group

From a parent of a student in Julius Prezelski's classroom:

I just wanted to let you know how awesome this class is that you are teaching. Your personal finance class should be required for all MSJ students. I wish I had a class like that in high school. I know Sean has really enjoyed the class this semester. I have told him so many times that he will use this class more than anything he will ever take in high school. I’m certain it has peaked his interest in being a business major in college and I’m so thankful for all the opportunities he has been given at MSJ. 

From Debby Ann:

When our class discussed the NJ min. wage hike in January, one of my students told me she did not get the raise. I encouraged her to ask about it on a few occasions. Last week she asked me what "retro" pay was. Turns out she got back pay from the employer for the missed raise!

From Lauren Hedrington: 

One of my former students was working at a gas station. She said she just moved into an apartment with her boyfriend. She waited to move out until she had the security deposit and first and last months rent in savings. Then she made a budget for expenses and got renter's insurance. She was grateful for learning how to be a "big girl" before she moved out instead of after she wanted to move out of her mom's house. Getting an A on a test means very little if you don't follow through outside the classroom.

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